Termine 2012 | März



Zu Gast im FORUM | Institut für Städtebau — TU Graz | Ausstellung


Do, Fr: jeweils 10:00—18:00 Uhr
Transformation of Lagos-Metropolis

Konzept/Lehrende: Joost Meuwissen, Martin Zettel

Projektpräsentationen d. Studierenden: 01.03.,11:00-16:00 Uhr

Jury: Hannes Mayer (Bartlett School of Architecture / archithese), Joost Meuwissen und Martin Zettel (Institut f. Städtebau)

Studierende: Michael Gattol, Stephan Grabmaier, Christoph Haidacher, Markus Hasenbichler, Stefan Kral, Peter Mayrhofer, Maximilian Nagl, Miriam Nascimento Duarte, Cornelia Pirker, Michael Sieminski, Jens Vogelsang, Stefan Wabnigg, Jakob Wogrolly

Gastkritiker*innen/Jury: Susan Kraupp, Judith Laister, Hannes Mayer, Joost Meuwissen, Stephan Schwarz, Martin Zettel

Support: Martin Weinhandl

«Any assignment should come from an idea, and my idea in this case would be that we need something in-between map and vista, or between plan and section. My first guess was, staring at the Lekki Peninsula map, what we really need is something developing in some sort of diagonal sense. This sounds silly. It is silly – but anyhow. In Lagos, there seems to be a certain lack of verticality – I do not mean towers such as in the business districts but a feeling, an awe of height. Of heaven. My assignment would be to lay Patrick Geddes´s Valley Section horizontally on the map of the Lekki peninsula – or horizontally over Lagos as whole, but more important, put it over the Peninsula, of course in the transversal direction – in the peninsula´s cross-section direction and look what happens. Let happen what then happens.» Joost Meuwissen, 2011

Mit Unterstützung von: Institut für Städtebau – TU Graz, FORUM STADTPARK, alpengold