Termine 2021 | Jänner
[online] Zu Gast im FORUM | Tint Journal
Writing Meet-up
Mi, 20.01., 17:00 Uhr, Saloon, Anmeldung unter info@tintjournal.com
We at Tint are happy to host WRITING MEET-UPS, where writers of all levels (beginners to pros) get together in small groups (max. 10 participants per meeting) and write creatively in English for about two hours every month.
Next writing meet-up:
January 20, 2021, at 5 PM
online via Zoom
Registration is mandatory for each meet-up at info@tintjournal.com
Our writing meet-ups are free of charge for Tint members. To become a member of Tint or inquire about member benefits, e-mail us at info@tintjournal.com.
If you want to test the waters before becoming a member, we'd ask you to contribute to our expenses with 1€ for this online writing meet-up.
We're looking forward to writing with you!